The Deliberative Council is composed of 05 (five) members, elected for a four-year term, being chaired by the President of the Association, with the right to vote. SBGEA’s board is composed of the following members:
- Dr. Marlos Rockenbach da Silva – INPE (mandate until 2022);
- Dr. Juliano Moro – CRS/INPE (mandate until 2022);
- Dra. Virginia Klausener – UNIVAP (mandate until 2022);
- Dr. José Valentin Bageston – CRS/INPE (mandate until 2024);
- Dr. Cosme Alexandre Oliveira Barros Figueiredo – INPE (mandate until 2024).
The Deliberative Council is responsible for:
- Regulate the resolutions of the General Meeting;;
- Deliberate on the formation of State Divisions and approve the regulations prepared by these divisions;
- Examine reports, budgets and accountability presented by the Executive Board and forward to the General Meeting;
- Appoint the members of the Admissions, Editorial and Meeting Committees;
- Deliberate on the cases proposed by the commissions;
- To elect aspiring and effective associates, upon the opinion of the Admission Committee;
- Designate substitutes and call elections for vacant positions on the Board, pursuant to Art. 14, Paragraph 2 and 3 of the bylaws;
- Fill the vacancies that occurred in the Council until the end of the corresponding mandates, empowering the alternates in order of qualification.