It is with great satisfaction that the SBGEA direction announces that as of July 1st, authors can submit their contributions to the Annales Geophysicae Special Issue named: “From the Sun to the Earth’s magnetosphere – ionosphere – thermosphere”, announced at:
This Special Issue is related to the last Symposium of the Brazilian Society of Space Geophysics and Aeronomy, which took place virtually, and was brilliantly organized by our colleagues at Universidade do Vale do Paraíba – UNIVAP
The submissions can be done by using the online registration form on the ANGEO website:
The deadline for submission is 31 July 2022, extendable if necessary, and the payment of the publication fee is the responsibility of the authors.
Please, the entire scientific community is welcome to submit manuscripts to this special issue, as it is not restricted to SBGEA members.
Special issue: Space weather connections to near-Earth space and the atmosphere
Journal: Annales Geophysycae
Special issue: Space weather connections to near-Earth space and the atmosphere
Editor(s): M. Abdu, A. Dal Lago, R. A. Buriti, J.-P. Raulin, and C. Jacobi
Issue goals: The main goal of the special issue is to publish papers presented during the last Brazilian meeting of Space Geophysics and Aeronomy that was held in September 2016 in Jataí, Goiás, Brazil. We intend this special issue as an important contribution to the development and future of space and atmospheric sciences in Brazil. Further, we expect to contribute to these fields with new advanced research released recently by Brazilian researchers and their collaborators from other countries. However, contributions from other parts of the world are welcome.
Call for papers: We invite researchers to contribute to the special issue “Space weather connections to near-Earth space and the atmosphere” by submitting papers of recent research in the fields of space science and aeronomy. This issue covers many aspects of Sun—Earth relations, which include space weather, heliophysics, magnetospheric and upper-atmospheric physics, and processes, dynamics and structures of the neutral atmosphere.
To get access: AQUI.