Postdoctoral researcher on Equatorial Aeronomy/Space Physics


The Jicamarca Radio Observatory, a research facility of Instituto Geofísico del Perú, is looking for a postdoctoral research associate to conduct scientific research in Equatorial Aeronomy and Space Physics with emphasis on the analysis of radar data obtained from the observatory. 

Job Summary:

The research position focuses on applying comprehensive radar (and complementary instrumentation) data analysis to conduct research on equatorial aeronomy. The successful candidate will work loosely with Dr. Danny Scipión (IGP/JRO) and Dr. David Hysell (Cornell University) at the facility where they will join a team of radar experts and have the opportunity to conduct their own radar experiments. They are expected to publish original research in peer-review journals and team with the Jicamarca staff to pursue external support for continued research.

The successful candidate is expected to have a Ph.D. in physics, electrical engineering, or a closely related field no earlier than 2019. 

This is a full-time, two-year fixed position

Please submit the following electronically as a single PDF: (1) a brief cover letter indicating your interest in the project, (2) a curriculum vitae, and (3) the name of three references. Applications should be sent directly to Dr. Danny Scipión, [email protected]

Closing date for application: Dec 15th, 2022.

More details are in the Attachment


Danny Scipión Ph.D.


Jicamarca Radio Observatory

Instituto Geofísico del Perú

David Hysell Ph.D.

Thomas R. Briggs Professor of Engineering

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Cornell University


Categorias: Documentos