Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University is seeking a highly motivated postdoctal researcher with a strong background of magnetospheric physics, and data analysis. The successful candidate will work in a research for understanding dynamics of the inner magnetosphere through comparative studies between data analysis of Arase and ground instruments and the inner magnetosphere kinetic model RAM-SCB.
We now extend the deadline and the new deadline is June 28.
Yoshi Miyoshi
Project for study of dynamical variation of Particles and Waves in the INner magnetosphere using Ground-based network observations (PI: Prof. K. Shiokawa, Nagoya University, is a nation-wide research collaboration supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from MEXT/Japan. PWING aims to contribute to understanding the mechanisms of the dynamical variation in the inner magnetosphere, which can be evaluated quantitatively combining the network-based observation on the earth, direct in situ observation
of the magnetosphere by Arase satellite, and numerical modeling.
Successful candidates will work with Prof. Miyoshi at ISEE, Nagoya University under PWING. The successful candidates are required to analyze Arase satellite data and ground-based observations to compare them with outputs from the inner magnetosphere kinetic model RAM-SCB (Ring current Atmosphere interactions Model with Self Consistent magnetic field) developed as part of the SHIELDS project (PI: Dr. V. Jordanova, Los Alamos National Laboratory, in order to improve the understanding of inner magnetosphere dynamics.
Job requirements and Qualifications
1. Work location: Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research
(ISEE), Nagoya University
2. Appointment conditions:
(1) Position: Postdoctoral researcher
(2) Salary: Approx. 400,000JPY/month
(3) Work hours: 38.75 hours/week
(4) Insurance enrollment: Health insurance, Welfare pension,
Employment insurance, Workers compensation insurance
3. Research area: magnetospheric physics
4. Number of persons: 1
5. Qualifications: Applicants must satisfy all of the following conditions:
(1) Holds a doctoral degree or is expected to earn a doctoral degree, and
(2) does not have other primary occupation or is not a graduate
student or a researcher at the time of start of the employment.
6. Starting date: September 1, 2019 or later at the earliest possible time
7. Term of employment: Renewable each fiscal year up to March 31, 2021
8. Application deadline: 5:00pm on Friday, June 28, 2019 (Japan standard time)
9. Screening process: Document screening and, if necessary, interview
10. Application materials:
(1) Curriculum Vitae
(2) Summary of research achievements (up to two A4 sheets)
(3) List of publication and research activity
(4) PDF files of the three most important publications
(5) Research plan (up to two A4 sheets)
(6) Name and contact of two professional references
(7) Possible starting date
11. Method of application:
Applicants should send application materials to the email address below with “Application to PWING Post-Doc” in the subject heading.
Submission email address:
After submission, applicants should make further inquiries if a confirmation email is not received within three days of their submission.
12. Inquiries:
Prof. Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Institute of Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University
F3-3 (250), Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8601, Japan
13: Remarks:
Personal information provided in relation to the application will be used only for the purpose of screening. Upon completion of the screening, all personal information, except for information of those who passed the screening, will be discarded responsibly. In addition, Institute for Space– Earth Environmental Research is an active promotor of Gender Equality. Browse the web page below for more detail. http://www.kyodo-sankaku.provo
The contents herein are originally created in Japanese. If any discrepancies do exist, the original Japanese version shall prevail.
Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]